Thursday, March 10, 2011

How much does affirm laser cost for skin rejuvenation?

This depends on whom you go to and how much you get done on your face. However, each session can cost anywhere from $400-$800. And most plastic surgeons will tell you some bullcrap that you need at least 4 sessions to get the optimal result- so you get suckered in for about $3,000-$4,000.

IS Affirm a painful treatment?

Despite what is claimed by the individuals who promote Affirm laser, the treatment is not painless. The pain is sharp and varies from mild to moderate. For those who are not able to tolerate any pain, the physician may apply a local anesthetic 10-20 minutes prior to the procedure. The laser may feel like a rubber band snap but this is usually a transient sensation. 

Is Affirm a permanent treatment for anti aging?

Bullshit. The only thing permanent about Affirm is that you will definitely be out of thousands of dollars. Affirm is only a temporary treatment measure for aged skin. With aging and exposure to sun, the skin will again revert back to its original condition and more treatment sessions are required in the future to maintain the cosmetic benefit. At best, you will see one or two lines on your face disappear for a few weeks.

Does Affirm work for skin rejuvenation?

Unfortunately, NO. On this planet, you will be hard pressed to find more than 2 people who can honestly claim that Affirm did anything for them. Affirm is junk. The majority of reports on cyberspace indicate that these people are still waiting to see a response one year later. And some gullible fools have even gone back for more treatments hoping that a miracle may occur

How many sessions of Affirm laser are required to erase wrinkles?

You can rest assured no plastic surgeon is going to ever complete anything in one session. Like all laser treatments for skin rejuvenation, multiple treatment sessions are required for the ideal result. Most individuals will be told that they require 4-6 treatments spaced over 4-6 weeks for the optimum result. And if you look rich, you will probably end up with 8-10 sessions.

What type of skin disorders can be treated with affirm laser?

The Affirm laser can be used for treatment of:

Surgical Scars
Wrinkle Reduction
Acne Scarring
Pigmented Lesions
Stretch Marks
Microthermal Rejuvenation

The Affirm laser is also used to treat skin discoloration, sun spots and improve acne scars.

How does Affirm laser work to reverse aged skin?

The Affirm laser generates micro light energy pulses which penetrate lower layers of skin, stimulate collagen production and promote coiling of the molecules. This results in tightening of skin with a resultant decrease in skin wrinkles and facial lines. At least this is what the manufacturers claim. If this is true than all the people living on the equator and the middle east where there is hot sun 365 days a year should never age- heat has never made anyone looking young, unless you are a sucker!

How is Affirm different from the other laser treatments for skin rejuvenation?

Whenever you hear of many types of lasers to treat one skin disorder, it basically means none of them work. Affirm is just a rehash of previous lasers except that it is lighter, portable and slightly more refined. Affirm is a relatively new non-ablative laser therapy to treat aging skin. It is considered a non ablative treatment for numerous skin disorders, especially sun damaged skin.

Final point about thermacool

Thermacool is just another fancy cosmetic skincare treatment with a lot of hype. For the consumer who desperately wants to get rid of their wrinkles, try Botox because it definitely works. Thermacool is expensive, painful and often fails to work.

All consumers should be realistic and start to read about the procedures. All of cosmetic surgery is about money- your money. So be informed, ask questions, and talk to people. Thermacool can cost upwards of $2,000 and when things go wrong, you will not get your money back .

Since you are paying for the treatment, take your time in selecting the best treatment. At the present, it is hard to recommend thermacool, not because it is very expensive but because it lacks frank patient testimonials.

What is cost of thermacool?

Thermacool is not cheap. A single session may cost anywhere from $700-$4,000. Do not worry, doctors are great at arranging financial payment plans for you (Some of them have their own banks!)

IS thermacool covered by Medicare

No, thermacool is a cosmetic procedure and neither Medicare nor any health insurance company covers the cost for junk treatments

Does thermacool work in everyone?

Definitely not. The cosmetic physicians have hyped up this treatment but there are reports that it does diddlysquat in many patients. There are numerous anecdotal reports from patients that the treatment did nothing. Sorry, there are no refunds.

Is there a risk of complication with thermacool?

Sure, anytime you muck around with heat and skin, bad things can happen. There have been reports of burns, blisters, skin discoloration and scars. Some of these are permanent.

After thermacool, what should I do?

Save money for the next treatment. Well, keep away from the sun for the next 4-6 weeks and wear sunscreen. Apply moisturizer and general care of skin.

Is there any downtime after thermacool?

Well, this depends on how extensive your skin was rejuvenated. For small cosmetic treatment, there is little downtime. However, if you had your entire back or chest treated, you will need time to recover. For the facial redness, one can use make up to hide the blemish.

Are there any patient testimonials about thermacool?

Not a single one and nor is there a single scientific study to document that thermacool does what the doctors claim. All the testimonials are by doctors or the vendors who sell this device. Most reports on cyberspace indicate that it is just another fancy cosmetic gimmick designed to make doctors richer and patients unhappy.

Is thermacool a permanent skin treatment?

The only permanent thing in life is death. Thermacool is only a temporary cure for fine lines. Within a few months, you will have the same lines and wrinkles again. To keep the wrinkle free look, you need to have many future treatments every 2-9 months. Even though doctors claim that it lasts a few years, this is hogwash.

When do I start to look pretty after thermacool?

The results of thermacool are not instant nor do they occur in everyone. The skin starts to improve over the next 2-4 weeks but the maximum cosmetic benefits are seen at 2-3 months. There are people who see no improvement at all. At best, less than 10% of people see any difference in their skin, but all of them see a big difference in their bank account.

What is recovery like after thermacool?

After thermacool, almost everyone develops some degree of redness and swelling. Some even develop bruising if the procedure was extensive. Blisters have also been known to occur (sure, if you apply heat to skin). These side effects are transient and disappear in 1-3 days.

Does thermacool hurt?

Well, try holding a cigarette close to your skin and you will quickly find out. All these gimmicks with heat and laser hurt. The only good thing is that the pain only lasts a few seconds but this is repeated over and over again. Some of the latest devices also have a cooling tip that minimizes pain (but do not always work). Thermacool can be performed in about 30 minutes

What is the thermacool procedure like?

You sit down; the face is rinsed and dried. An ice pack or a local anesthetic is applied for 20 minutes prior to the procedure. The device is then held close to the skin and activated. The radiofrequency waves penetrate skin and then do magic (hope no one believes that holding a heat source close to the skin will somehow cause the collagen to remodel and tighten the skin!)

Can thermacool be used in all individuals?

Well, not really. Individuals with very sensitive skin, diabetics, those with an active skin infection, recent out break of herpes, or those with disorders like lupus better not get treated with thermacool. It can make things a lot of worse. African Americans and Asians should be very careful of lasers as they can induce keloids-which are damn hard to get rid off.

Where is thermacool performed and do I have to prepare for the treatment?

Thermacool is an outpatient procedure done at a spa or a clinic. There are no extensive preparations required before the procedure. You come to the clinic, bring a lot of CASH or a credit card. In 30 minutes, you will be young once again.

Can thermacool be used on all types of skin?

Yes, that is what the cosmetic doctors claim. As long as you have the money, thermacool works great. It can erase all your fine lines, wrinkles, skin pigmentations, and acne scars. It works in Caucasians, Asians, Latinos, African Americans- as long as you have money.

What part of the body can be treated with thermacool?

Initially the treatment was only for the face and neck. Now almost every part of your body can be burnt with thermacool. The upper arms, inner thigh, neck, waist, chest, buttocks, breasts, elbows, knees – You name it; thermacool can treat it- of course you will be paying for it.

What is Thermacool for skin rejuvenation all about?

Thermacool is a new device developed to help rejuvenate skin and erase some signs of aging. Thermacool is a small hand held device that generates radiofrequency waves. As the waves enter skin, they generate heat. This heat then induces the collagen molecules to tighten and remodel. This is then supposed to create skin, which appears, firmer, younger and wrinkle free. At least this is the game plan.