Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Can DHEA help reverse my wrinkles?

Last few years, many people have been advertizing DHEA as an anti-aging treatment. In addition, these charlatans also claim that DHEA can ward of any disease, increase your libido and boost your energy. All these statements are bogus. There is no scientific evidence that DHEA can erase your wrinkles or make you look young. 

DHEA is sold at exorbitant prices and in many cases the products are fakes or counterfeit. Many health food stores sale herbal DHEA which is available without a prescription. DHEA is also obtained with a doctor’s prescription but most doctors are unwilling to prescribe it for anti aging benefits. 

If you want to reverse wrinkles, Botox is the best. The results of Botox only last a few months and it is expensive, but it does work. All DHEA will get you is disappointments and more stress lines.

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